Strawberry Simple Syrup Recipe – Quick and Easy!
Strawberry Simple Syrup is really quick and easy to make, and super versatile as an ingredient. If you’ve ever made simple syrup, this is really similar with a sweet strawberry flavor. Perfect for making soda, on pancakes, or even in lemonade! And it’s made from only fresh strawberries and sugar.
Strawberry Simple Syrup
Strawberry Simple Syrup is so easy to make you won’t believe it’s taken you this long to discover it! In fact, I’d stock up on fancy syrup bottles now, because once you learn how to do this you’ll want to try it with every fruit you come across. You can use this strawberry syrup recipe in a ton of different ways, too. Lemonade, margaritas, soda, on pancakes, the sky is the limit!
Homemade Strawberry Syrup for Drinks
One of my absolute favorite uses for strawberry simple syrup is to use this for drinks. It’s a really great way to add not only sweetness, but also a great strawberry flavor. Plus, it adds a really great bright red color that is 100% natural, so you can stay away from artificial coloring.
I’ve used this homemade strawberry syrup in margaritas, in strawberry lemonade, as a base for strawberry soda, and even in mimosas! You could also just jazz up your morning orange juice a little bit by adding a splash. Using this homemade strawberry syrup for drinks is super easy, and a great way to get inventive with a great flavorful ingredient.
Here’s a really easy one: Pour a glass of sparkling water over ice. Add about 2-4 tbsp of strawberry syrup (depending on how sweet you like it) and stir. Garnish with a strawberry.
How easy was that? And delicious! It’s really delicious to use homemade strawberry syrup for drinks, isn’t it?
How to Make Strawberry Syrup
If you’ve every wondered how to make strawberry syrup, look no further. It’s incredibly easy to make homemade strawberry syrup, and you may just never go back to plain old simple syrup again!
- Boil The Berries. You cut the strawberries up, throw them in the pot with water and let them boil until they turn mushy (for lack of a better description). The berries will also lose a lot of their color, and the water will turn red instead.
- Strain the Water. Pour the water through a strainer and into another saucepan. You can try to press the strawberries with the back of your spoon here, to get every last bit of flavor and liquid out of them. Then you can just throw them away, or add a bit of sugar and turn them into fruit leather for a snack later.
- Add Sugar. Now that you have the strawberry water, you want to add some sugar and really turn it into a syrup from here. Bring it back to a boil and simmer it down to thicken it up a bit, and voila! You have strawberry simple syrup.
And now that you know how to make strawberry syrup, I’m sure you’ll be coming up with a lot of ways to use it. If you find anything super creative, be sure to let me know. I’d love to hear about your ideas, or great ways you’ve used the recipe!
Strawberry Simple Syrup Recipe
- 1 lb strawberries, hulled and cut into pieces
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 1 cup white sugar
- In a saucepan add water and strawberries. Bring to a boil then lower heat and simmer until strawberries soften and turn pale (about 7-10 minutes).
- Into another saucepan, pour water through a strainer. Use the back of a spoon to strain strawberries a little bit, then discard berries.
- Add sugar to water and whisk while bringing back up to a boil. Boil for 1-2 minutes, then reduce heat to a simmer. Continue to simmer for about 5 minutes, or until strawberry syrup is desired consistency.
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