Spinach Artichoke Dip is the PERFECT appetizer, made with fresh spinach and artichoke hearts mixed with three types of cheese and baked until melted...
Twice Baked Mashed Potatoes are PERFECT for the holidays, made with Yukon gold potatoes mashed with cream cheese, sour cream, and parmesan then baked...
Maple Glazed Carrots are PERFECT for a holiday table because they’re made with simple ingredients like brown sugar, maple syrup, butter, thyme, and balsamic...
Slow Cooker Cabbage Soup is the perfect comforting soup, made with simple ingredients like cabbage, onion, carrots, diced tomatoes, and white beans slow cooked...
Pina Colada Smoothie made with tropical flavors like crushed pineapple and coconut milk blended with vanilla greek yogurt, banana, and lime juice, ready in...
Sausage and Potato Soup made with potatoes, Italian sausage, and spinach simmered in a creamy broth topped with parmesan, ready in 45 minutes! Sausage...
Cabbage Chicken Soup is wholesome and nourishing, made with chicken breast, cabbage, carrots, fresh garlic, and turmeric in a warm broth, with minimal prep...
Pumpkin Cheesecake is creamy and indulgent, made with cream cheese, pumpkin, spices, and vanilla in a graham cracker crust, perfect for a holiday party!...
Spinach Pesto is perfect for pasta, sandwiches, or drizzling over roasted vegetables, made simple ingredients and ready in less than 5 minutes! I’m a...
Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice is the perfect blend for baking season, made with cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, allspice and cloves, ready in under 5 minutes!...
Cannoli Dip is creamy and sweet, made with simple ingredients like mascarpone cheese, ricotta, and powdered sugar with almond flavor and cinnamon, ready in...
Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms are a perfect weeknight dinner, made with Italian sausage mixed with gluten free panko breadcrumbs, onions, parmesan, and cream cheese, then...
Shamrock Shake Recipe is a copycat of the McDonald’s favorite, made with creamy vanilla ice cream, mint extract, milk, and green food coloring, perfect...
Instant Pot Corned Beef is perfect for St. Patrick’s Day, made with tender corned beef brisket, carrots, potatoes, and cabbage pressure cooked until tender,...
Stuffed Pepper Casserole is the perfect weeknight dinner, made with ground turkey mixed with onions, peppers, and rice in a savory tomato sauce topped...
Lentil Vegetable Soup is the perfect weeknight meal with minimal prep time and budget-friendly ingredients, made with green lentils simmered in broth with hearty...
I believe that gluten free food doesn't have to be boring! Here you'll find big flavors, easy recipes, and a few classic comfort foods, all 100% gluten free!